Recycled Glass Swimming Pool Media 1/3mm Course grade 25kg bags Quality Silica Sand Replacement

£29.99 Inc Vat

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Technical Specification

  • Brand: Pool Technical
  • EAN: 7091163271058
  • SKU:


Recycled Glass Swimming Pool Media – Free Delivery

Pool Technical – Trade Quality 25kg Bags – The perfect filter layer for Medium filter systems

Medium Grade 1.0/3.0mm can be used as the base layer in filters from 600-900mm diameter in a ratio of 1:12 with the fine grade 0.5-1mm. The Pool Technical fine grade has a greater band 0.5/1.0mm and therefore is matched to the medium grade to form the best possible filter layer covering 0.5mm to 3 mm maximum.

Recycled glass filter media is a cost effective and eco-friendly alternative to traditional sand media that is rapidly becoming the norm in water filtration.

•There is less to clean and less often saving you water, electricity and time in backwash.
•As glass media is smooth (unlike silica sand which has a rough surface with cracks and holes) the risk of bio-film/bacteria growth is greatly reduced.
•Increased life span compared to traditional sand.
•Reduced risk of channelling and clumping improving the quality of filtration.
•Reduced Health and Safety risk from silicate handling.
•No sharps as the glass is tumbled, cleaned and rinsed before bagging.

How it works

Silica sand is generally spherical in shape, if you think of a grain of sand as a ball. Due to the crushing process recycled glass is generally angular or cube in shape. If you can now imagine a ball of sand of 1mm and a cube of glass of 1mm they will both effectively occupy the same volume but the six sides of the glass cube will have a greater surface area than the ball of the same diameter.

Filtration is dependent on the amount of surface area you have, recycled glass filter media gives you a much greater level of filtration for the same volume kg per kg of silica sand. In addition to a high filtration level the higher surface area also means in certain circumstances you can use up to 15% less media than traditional silica sand.

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